Ryan Martin-Spencer
Director of Mission Integration, Academy of Our Lady of Peace
Ryan Martin-Spencer serves as the Director of Mission Integration for the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. Currently in his sixth year at OLP, Ryan has taught a variety of courses in the Theology department, coordinates the school’s liturgies, and supports various aspects of the campus ministry program. In collaboration with multiple departments and program areas, including parents, Ryan seeks to articulate the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, which promotes unifying love in service to the dear neighbor without distinction.
After earning a bachelor’s degree in management information systems from Santa Clara University, Ryan served in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and worked at a soup kitchen in the Bronx, New York, which inspired him to pursue teaching as a vocation. Ryan taught computer skills to adults with disabilities at a non-profit in San Francisco, and then earned a master’s degree in systematic theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Early in his marriage, Ryan and his wife lived and served in two Catholic Worker houses of hospitality in the Bay Area.
Throughout the course of his teaching and ministry career in Catholic high schools, 17 years have been spent in all girls schools. Ryan passionately believes in the transformative empowerment that all girls Catholic schools provide and is proud to be an alum parent with his eldest daughter having graduated from OLP in 2022.
Workshop: He for She: Male Allies Among Us
Session: 3, 4