Rebecca Jones

First Female Mayor of San Marcos, SheEO

Mayor Rebecca Jones, a long-time San Marcos resident and community leader, has served our community for over 16 years. She served on the City Council from 2007 to 2018, serving as Vice Mayor from 2012-2018, and was elected as Mayor in 2018 and 2022. In addition to her role as Mayor, Rebecca represents San Marcos on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors where she advocates for transportation solutions that benefit San Marcos residents. Additionally, Mayor Jones serves on the SANDAG executive committee and regional planning committee. Rebecca also sits on the Countywide Redevelopment Successor Agency Oversight Board that oversees and approves actions of all the San Diego County area successor agencies and manages the assets and repayment of debts and other obligations.

Since being elected Mayor in 2018, Rebecca has prioritized public safety, promoted clean streets and parks, and ensured financial responsibility. San Marcos now enjoys the lowest crime rate in our city’s history, new parks and improved infrastructure, and a balanced budget.

As an advocate for public safety in San Marcos, Rebecca is dedicated to maintaining safe neighborhoods and schools for all. Recognized by the Red Ribbon Commission in 2016 with the Excellence in Prevention Advocacy Award, she effectively championed the creation of ordinances to restrict tobacco sales to San Marcos youth. She also led efforts to prevent the sale of dangerous drugs like Spice and Bath Salts in San Marcos. Additionally, under Rebecca’s leadership, the San Marcos Fire Department has achieved a Class One Public Safety Rating. Ensuring our homes and businesses are safe from the threat of fire is one of her top priorities!

Working hard to maintain a high standard of quality of life, Rebecca is dedicated to keeping our neighborhoods, parks, and streets clean and in great condition! Since Rebecca began serving as Mayor, the city has built or rebuilt 10 parks, including a Purple Heart monument and trail that honors our veterans and active-duty service members.

Mayor Jones is a strong supporter of small businesses in San Marcos and believes that a healthy business community is an important part of a dynamic and thriving community. She works to streamline city planning processes so that small businesses can open quickly and are set up for success. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rebecca worked with the city to provide $3,000,000 in relief funds to keep local businesses afloat. Rebecca has supported a balanced city budget for the last 16 years and ensured financial responsibility on the City Council.

Prior to joining the San Marcos City Council, Rebecca was an active community volunteer and leader. She served as a member of the San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Task Force from 2005 to 2007, and as an Advisory Board Member for the San Marcos Boys and Girls Club for more than a decade! She also co-owned her own small business in furniture marketing for over 20 years. In her spare time, Rebecca hosts the inspirational “The SheEO Lead In” podcast that highlights women in leadership and their journeys that led them to their careers.